Hey guys J here again. Finally.
Since I last posted some pretty cool stuff has happened, along with some not so cool stuff. First the cool stuff. I did get to go snorkeling the other day and saw some pretty cool stuff. Big star fish and lots a colorful fish. Turns out its really hard to take pictures of fish under water while the waves are rocking you one way and the fish are swimming the other. I did manage to get a decent video though which I'm posting and hope to get some better shots later. The water was really clear considering all the rain we got the night before. I'm told there is another better reef further up the beach and hope to hit that one in the weeks to come.
Sunday we went to the Honduran church which is pretty much all kids it seemed like. NH of course got the kids talking and playing with us pretty quickly. I find using my spanish with little kids is alot easier than with adults. True they are alot closer to my level but I feel less judged somehow. When A kid laughs at your accent or grammer problems its so much less insulting for some reason. There were a couple girls there that were just too cute. Don't believe NH has downloaded those pics yet though.
Later that day we went to this sweet water fall where people could swim and jump off of this really high cliff into the water. I just hiked around it looking for critters though. Total bust in the wildlife department. But the impromptu Baptism was pretty cool.
Monday was a pretty slow day I guess. We had lunch at the little place just outside the compound where this Honduran lady has a kind of fast food restaurant. "Fast" being a relative term of course. Probly won't be eating there again seeing as how I have had to spend the last 24 hours in "The safe zone". For those of you unfamiliar with the safe zone allow me to explain. The safe zone is the radius around your toilet that you are confident you can overcome should nature call. The formula is based on your typical regularity (R= trips per hour) which typically lies between 0.1 and 0.2 for most people who are not sick. The next factor to take into account is stride length (S= # of inches per step from back toe to front heel). For those with a longer stride length who are able to cover more ground in a single step your safe zone will be slightly larger. After determining S you simply divide it by 2. Initially some obstacles may play a small roll in determining the safe zone but after you realize your zone is shrinking you can simply remove these (chairs, fans, etc.) to simplify your math. So to break it down for you. "The safe Zone" (in ft) = R(S/2) NOTE : only applicable for #2 trips #1's have a completely different formula, Which for me was 5to8(12in/2)+30-48ft. I'm pretty sure I have just created the most TMI blog post of all time. One cool thing about last night though was NH discovered a Tarantula right outside our door which luckily was inside the safe zone, so I was able to get a few pics of it.
It's Wednesday now and I think the worst is behind me. Not sure if thats a pun or not. Hoping to be able to get out and do some stuff again soon.