Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eating at a Honduran food stand = diarrhea for all

NH here:
I know you are all probably getting quite tired of me writing. Josh, however, right now is confined to the bed and the toilet. It is not a pretty sight. I am having similar problems but not as bad. I attribute it to my rockin' immune system from eating off of the floor as a child. Anyways, he promises to update you soon.
Update on me: I feel as if my comfort zones are being stretched in every direction. I am fairly comfortable with the whole living-with-no-air-conditioning-lots-of-bugs stuff that comes with this territory. However, this is the first time since actually getting an MD behind my name that I have been treating people in another country. This is the first time I have actually been expected to know what I am doing and make important decisions. It feels like being an intern all over again with all of of the fear and self doubt. God brought me through my intern year stronger, and I know He will do the same for me here. I often think of the verse from II Corinthians 12:9 that says, "But my grace is sufficient for you, for my powers is perfected in weakness." I am comforted both in knowing His sufficiency for me and my patients but also that He is a God who uses the weak (like me).
I was dealing with a child last night with probable glomerulonephritis and high blood pressure. He went into status epilepticus. I don't care how common seizures are, they are scary... for everyone involved. Anyways, I gave phenobarbital IV, and he came out of it. Please pray for his continued healing, and my wisdom in treating him. He is 9 years old, in alot of pain, and scared to death. I too, honestly, am scared to death. As many of you know, you can give me adults in critical condition and women delivering babies, and I love it. Give me a sick kid, and I am scared to death.
I was also part of a twin C-section yesterday. awesome. Both babies came out crying. Mom is doing great.
Pictures to come... I PROMISE!


  1. NH & J, Thanks SO much for posting these blogs. I read with delight and it is a tremendous reminder to pray for you. Josh's font is like reading a doctor's writing. I have to read slowly to decipher each letter...and then I have more time for the TMI to sink in!

  2. Another parasite to add to J's list? If so, that's exciting!

    Tell J that I am laughing VERY hard at his misery so if there is any karma in the world I will catch it next. I mean, I obviously feel bad for him, but with hilarity!
